Understanding Alcohol Metabolism and How iBlush Can Help
Ever wonder why some people turn red when they drink alcohol, while others don’t? It's all about how our bodies metabolise alcohol. Let’s dive into the science behind alcohol metabolism and discover how iBlush can help manage its effects.
Breaking It Down: Alcohol Metabolism 101
Alcohol is processed in your body mainly by the liver, using an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) which converts alcohol into acetaldehyde, a toxic compound that is subsequently broken down by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) into harmless acetate and water. However, variations in these enzymes, particularly common in people of East Asian descent, can lead to an accumulation of acetaldehyde - causing the notorious red flush.
Factors Influencing Alcohol Metabolism
Several factors affect how quickly your body processes alcohol, including:
Genetics: As mentioned, genetic variations can slow down the conversion of acetaldehyde to acetate.
Age: Younger people generally metabolise alcohol faster.
Sex: Women may metabolise alcohol slower than men due to differences in body composition and enzyme levels.
Food Intake: Eating before drinking can slow the absorption of alcohol, reducing its immediate impact.
How iBlush Helps?
iBlush supports a healthier metabolism by helping manage the build-up of acetaldehyde. By targeting this key step in the alcohol metabolism process, iBlush can reduce the flushing response, allowing you to enjoy your drinks without the uncomfortable side effects.
Ready to Enjoy Your Drinks Comfortably?
Equip yourself with the knowledge and the right tool—iBlush—to make your next social event both enjoyable and comfortable. Say goodbye to the glow and hello to a healthier way to enjoy your favourite beverages.